2019 was an interesting year to say the least. Important movies finally came to the big screen, a country-rap song broke Billboard records, top secret government locations were raided and an egg became the most-liked picture on Instagram. Let’s do a quick recap of a few of these moments, here they are from the very first month, to the very last:
The festival that never happened. The informational documentary ‘Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened’ was released on Netflix where the light is brought to what really went down in the Fyre festival and why it never actually happened. It became quite a buzz once this documentary was released, and to this day everyone who didn’t participate finds it to be quite entertaining. Oh, also an image of an egg became the most liked picture on Instagram, as of date it has 54 million likes. People take their egg pictures very seriously.
We were all once again hit with the Love Bug when the Jonas Brothers officially announced their return. After a six year hiatus, they took the world by storm, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I don’t think we ever expected them to reunite, but now they have gifted us with Happiness Begins and many of us are lucky to say we attended their current tour which is set to end in February of next year!
Not to bring up any past controversy, but do we still remember that thing with Shane Dawson and his cat? His apology became something of a joke on twitter and it turned out to be quite entertaining! Tim Burton also recreated a childhood classic with the live-action film Dumbo. Adults need movies like this more often, it takes us back to something special.
Did we ever guess that a country-rap song would be the one to break Billboards longest-running number one song record? No, we honestly didn’t. But Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus managed to take over the charts and the summer of 2019. On a sadder note, Endgame spoiler alert, Iron Man is gone. As a person who’s all-time favorite MCU hero was Tony Stark, I did not enjoy watching him put on that Gauntlet and snap his fingers. I get it, it was the ultimate sacrifice but he deserved to live a long and happy life okay! Let's move on before I get started on Natasha and Steve. The original Avengers live on.
Bill Nye unleashes his anger against climate change in an awesome video where he asks us to wake up and more importantly grow up. If you haven’t seen the video, please do. You have to see it. This month also gave us the Game of Thrones series finale, and too many people are still upset about that, so I’m not going to talk about it, let’s just give it a moment of silence.
As the great philosopher Forky once said, “I’m trash.” What an adorable character, can we talk about that ending though? The end of Woody and Buzz came upon us this year and it’s safe to say I will literally never be the same. At first I was not happy with this ending, but I’ve come to peace with it. We can’t keep ‘em going forever.

The US Women's Soccer Team wins the World Cup Final. It was a bit controversial since there were two other important soccer games going on that day. The players of the women's team and many fans were upset to have to share the spotlight when it should have been just their day if we’re being honest here. But hey, victory was ours!
The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich, is it really as good as everyone says it is? I haven’t gotten around to trying it but it’s like a really big deal. I mean, I’ve seen dozens of videos of people yelling at the poor employees over a sandwich! One of my favorite unexplained mysteries of this year is the guy with the TV head that went around Virginia leaving retro TV’s on people’s porches. He went by more than 50 houses and literally just left old TV's at their front doors.

I’m still upset they didn’t actually get to break into Area 51, I was really looking forward to seeing the aliens flying around and the memes for that era were also hilarious. It was still pretty cool to see all of the people that actually showed up. A less exciting moment of September was when it was announced that Spider-Man was going to be taken away from the MCU and turned into a Sony-only project. This would mean Tom Holland’s Peter would no longer make an appearance in any future MCU movies, but luckily the pain was momentary as it was later announced Sony and Disney had come to an agreement.

Oh the joy October brought us with the release of DC’s Joker, an origin story film about one of DC’s greatest villains of all time. It broke records in the box office by passing up Deadpool and becoming the highest grossing R-rated comic book film in history! I personally watched it in theaters three times and I can’t wait to see it again. And let’s not forget, ‘Rise and Shine’, you sang that in your head didn’t you? Thank you Kylie Jenner for never allowing me to read that like a regular person ever again.

The amount of Baby Yoda memes I’ve seen on my twitter timeline and my instagram feed is through the roof. And you know what? I am not complaining. They give me life. This month also gave us an app that might just overthrow Netflix and Hulu. Yeah, I’m talking about Disney+, every movie and show ever is on there. I haven’t stopped watching Hannah Montana since the app came out.

Two and a half years after the release of his debut self-titled album, Harry Styles has once again blessed us with his musical talents. The thirteenth of this month, his second album ‘Fine Line’ was released and on that same day there was a celebration performance at the LA Forum which I was lucky enough to attend! If you haven’t yet listened to the album, please do yourself a favor!
So there’s plenty that wasn’t mentioned, as you can see. Let’s not forget that this year also brought us Billie Eilish’s debut album ‘When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go?’ and The Incredibles 2. It took way too long for the release of that movie if you ask me, but it was worth the wait. Lizzo also rose to the top of the charts this year, along with a few other artists. Tons happened, probably things that are way more important than any of this but the important thing is that now we are starting new.
2020, we welcome you with open arms!!